What Were the Campus Life & Activities Offered in School?

Students enrolled in colleges and universities have the option to participate in clubs and organizations during their time outside of the classroom. Many universities offer a wide range of events, services, academic assistance and opportunities for students wishing to actively participate with peers outside of the traditional classroom learning environment.
  1. Intramural Sports

    • Many universities and colleges host intramural sports activities that allow enrolled students to participate as part of teams or as individuals. Possible intramural offerings include soccer, indoor soccer, basketball and billiards. Intramural leagues often chart the success of each competing team and host playoffs and championship games. Information on enrolling in intramural leagues can often be found at the campus recreation center or student union.

    Fraternities and Sororities

    • Fraternities and sororities are social organizations that exist in many campuses. Membership is initially offered to undergraduate students, and the induction process typically involves participation in social events and interviews. It is common for these groups to dedicate a portion of their time to public service, including charity fundraising or labor-intensive actions. Larger fraternities and sororities often use a house as their base of operations and dormitory for members. Less involved, academic-based fraternities and sororities can exist in science and liberal arts disciplines.


    • Universities typically host clubs dedicated to niche activities such as cooking, video games, music and chess. These groups meet on a periodic basis and host events and informational sessions. Funding can be made available to these organizations through an application process sponsored by the university. Information about available club memberships is usually available at the student union or campus life center.

    Peer Tutoring

    • Students in need of additional help in their courses can often seek assistance through a tutoring center on campus. As part of a financial aid or work-study program, many students are employed by universities to assist their fellow students. Students who have studied a broad range of topics are employed to ensure that assistance can be provided to anyone in need.

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