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Fraternity Initiation Ideas

Pledging a fraternity requires developing a sense of trust and friendship with your future brothers. The pledging process ends with an initiation that may challenge you to prove your commitment to the fraternity. Initiation activities vary greatly from organization to organization, but provide a common bond among those that have completed them.
  1. Scavenger Hunt

    • Send your pledges on a scavenger hunt through town to find items that the fraternity brothers have hidden around town. Instruct the pledges to do this by foot, if you wish to include challenges such as consuming a specific drink designed by your fraternity at a local bar. Along with the items, create a list of information that the pledges must find out about the fraternity, such as when it was organized, how long it's been at your college and how many other schools have a chapter.

    Physical Challenges

    • Challenge the pledges in your fraternity to complete several physical challenges. This can be in the form of an obstacle course. To make it into the fraternity, pledges can compete against the brothers that are already in the fraternity. If the pledge is able to complete the obstacle course or challenge before the brother, he is considered to have completed his initiation.

    Eating Challenges

    • Create a series of eating challenges for the pledges. One type of challenge could include foods that the pledges may not usually eat, such as insects, worms and Rocky Mountain Oysters. Another part of the challenge could be seeing how the pledges do eating spicy foods, such as hot sauces, without having access to water to reduce the heat of the sauce.

    Social Challenges

    • Use social challenges as the initiation night finale for pledges. Some of these could be classics from college fraternity movies. For instance, ask pledges to collect a pair of panties or bra from a member of each of the sororities on campus and to have them signed. A similar challenge would be to be photographed kissing at least one girl from each sorority. Other challenges could include getting one of the girls on a list the fraternity brothers create to be the pledge's date for the night of his initiation.

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