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How to Arrange Dorm Furniture

Living in a cramped dorm room isn't exactly what one would consider an ideal living situation. However, by arranging furniture correctly, you can create extra space you never knew you had. A comfortable dorm room should have a lounge area, a study area, a place to sleep and a place to prepare food. Don't think you have room enough for all that? Here's how to arrange the furniture to ensure that you do.

Things You'll Need

  • Extra shelving and drawers
  • Bed lofts
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      Loft the beds. Regardless of whether you have one or two beds in the room, lofting them is your best bet to create extra space. The beds themselves serve as a sleeping area, but the area underneath works well as a lounge area. Just add a cheap sofa or futon and a television set underneath the lofted beds and you have an instant lounge area, with even enough room to invite your friends over.

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      Make use of extra closet space. Many dorm rooms have closets built right into the room. Depending on how many clothes you have, these closets can serve as excellent kitchenette areas. By placing a mini refrigerator and microwave in an open closet, you can save yourself space that would otherwise be taken up in the lounge area.

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      Optimize shelf space and drawers. Add some extra shelving to your dorm room. Shelves can accommodate everything from books to groceries. Add extra drawers too. Let's face it, storage space in a dorm room is limited, so get yourself some of those cheap plastic drawers. Use them in your closet, in your lounge area or next to the futon as end tables.

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      The desk area in a dorm room doesn't have to be used for studying. It's a great place to put your computer and some of your books, but if you're more comfortable studying in the library or even on the couch, use the desk for something else. Create a dining area and kitchenette here if you like. It can also serve as a terrific entertainment center.

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