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The Advantages of Staying in Dorms

The majority of students live on campus their freshman year and might move off campus for the rest of their college experience. Students should consider the numerous benefits that living in the college dorms offers them. They have easy access to their classes and never have to pay rent bills.
  1. Location

    • According to a Campus Crawler article, "Dorm Life," studies demonstrate that students who stay in on-campus dorms perform better academically than those in off-campus living arrangements. The main benefit to living on campus is that you are a short walk from the campus library, which should help you succeed in your research papers. Proximity to the library contributes to students using their study time wisely. Students are also a few minutes from their classes. According to the article, students who sleep in off-campus are more eager to skip class.

    Social Life

    • The weekly student paper for the University of Louisville, The Louisville Cardinal, article, "Dorm Life Offers Fresh Advantages," demonstrates that staying in dorms provides students with numerous opportunities to meet people and make friends. Although making college friends is important in a student's freshman year, it continues to be significant throughout the college experience. Studying for upper level examinations and preparing senior thesis presentations can be an isolating experience. According to the article, many students find that they can better prepare for major projects by having designated time to relax with friends.

    Level of Responsibility

    • Iowa State University student Mariah Kimball's article, "Living in the Dorms," shows that many students have a difficult time preparing and buying their food, which can lead to poor nutrition. Students have important topics to focus on, and having the additional responsibilities that living off-campus brings can be overwhelming. On-campus students have a cafeteria nearby with already prepared dishes for each meal of the day. Also, on-campus room and board is paid for with your yearly tuition; having your college living arrangement prepaid before classes start can help ease the stress of college life.

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