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First Year Checklist for Dorms

When entering the first year of college, dorm life can bring many surprises. It is essential to bring items with you into the dorm with the expectation that the school provides minimal items to make you feel at home. College dorms typically provide beds but not items such as sheets and irons. It is necessary for college students to create a detailed checklist prior to arriving in the dorm for the first year.
  1. Bedding

    • Bedding is essential to school life. Without good bedding, you won't get a good sleep, and without a good sleep you won't get good marks. If you're not using your old, well-tested bed -- probably a good idea for saving money -- make sure you break in the new bed thoroughly first. Get a good pillow, and ensure that the mattress allows for restful nights.


    • A college student can't always be working, and since you probably will not go home or hang out with friends when you're bored, you'll need something to do in your dorm that you can keep doing for years on end. Pick up such items as a small TV, a portable DVD player, lots of DVDs, a gaming system and associated games, books and a computer for accessing the Internet. Some students use music to study which can be helpful or when you have time to spare, you can play a video game or two.

    Alarm Clock

    • Many young people find itdifficult to wake up without the nagging of a parent waking them up every morning for school. Therefore, it is imperative that you obtain an alarm clock as a constant reminder that you are in college and your mom or dad is not around to wake you up. You must be responsible enough to wake up on your own to attend your classes on time. An alarm is a vital tool to assist any college student to wake up on time.

    Cleaning Supplies

    • Every now and then you're going to need to clean your dorm, and you'll have to purchase much of the supplies on a case-by-case basis. Of particular importance, though, is getting a hamper where you can toss your dirty laundry. If you leave everything laying around you're apt to lose your homework at a crucial juncture, and can become an everyday hindrance in college life. You should also clean yourself regularly, and get lots of towels and extra washcloths for hygienic reasons.

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