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Design Ideas for College Dorms

College is the biggest transition many young adults have experienced. Personal space becomes especially important while living in a dorm, and a comfortable room that reflects your individual style will give you a cozy retreat from the world as well as a place to hang out with good friends. However, you're probably sharing this space with at least one other person, making compromise and collaboration a crucial part of the decorating process.
  1. Tapestries

    • Large wall tapestries are a quick decorating solution that will help you feel right at home in your new space. Pack them when you go off to college, and you'll have instant decorations. If making new purchases, talk about your choices with your future roommate, or go shopping together after you move in.


    • Chances are you'll be too busy to think about repainting a room, but if the walls are yellowing or peeling, painting is probably worthwhile. If you don't feel comfortable or motivated to study there, ask your residence life director if you can repaint. Light green and blue are calming colors that will help you focus on your studies while inspiring a sense of peace.

    Giant Pillows

    • Transform a bed into a couch in moments with large, overstuffed pillows. They also make great seats for movie nights with friends and give the room a cozy feel. Make them yourself with discount fabric, adding funky embellishments such as cording around the edges, buttons and lace. And as College Fashion advises, choose colorful fabrics for pillows and bedding---not white---so stains don't show.

    Wall Stickers

    • Temporary wall stickers give the room a playful atmosphere or a way of adding pretty embellishments that you can peel right off when the time comes. They come in many varieties, from roses to puppies. You might find some at a local dollar store, or you can check with a home decorating or craft store.

    Photo Collage

    • College students usually display pictures of family and friends from home in a prominent spot. Instead of taping them to your wall, create a display. Find an inexpensive collage frame and matting---or make one yourself using mat board or heavy paper and a straight edge razor---and display it by your desk.


    • Bringing nature indoors will boost your spirits, helping you feel more balanced throughout the college transition. After you move in, visit garden stores to find potted flowers or other plants. As a bonus, many might be on sale now that summer is ending. Place some on your windowsill and some on your desk or a shelf.

    Storage for Electronics

    • Create a safe place to put your laptop when you leave the room or invite people over, so people don't accidentally spill drinks or food on your electronics. You might designate one shelf for electronics, for instance. In a small space, accidents are more likely to happen, so minimize the damage they can cause by thinking ahead.

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