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Games to Play in College Dorms That Do Not Involve Alcohol

Party games are a great way for college dorm residents to get to know one another and have fun, all without involving alcohol, which is often prohibited in student residences. The best party games for these purposes involve a degree of physicality, are playable with both large and small groups and will also fit into a common area or medium-sized meeting space.
  1. Scavenger Hunt

    • Here is a classic game that is enjoyed by all age groups. Game organizers gather a group of “treasures” and hide them all around the common room or throughout the dorm building. Then players go hunting for these items. Each player or team of players has a sheet with clues pointing to the location of each object. The first team to make it through its list first or accumulate the most objects wins.

    Dodge Ball

    • Residents can play this game in one of the larger meeting rooms found in either a dormitory or student union. There are two variations on dodge ball. The first has the throwers standing in a ring and they throw the ball at the people inside the circle. In the second version, two teams form at opposite ends of the room. From their positions, members of each team try to hit one another. If a player catches a thrown ball in midair, then the thrower is out.

    Ratchet Screwdriver

    • Ratchet Screwdriver is a game traditionally played by Quaker youths, though students from all backgrounds can enjoy it. The positions for this game are as follows: one person, the caller, sits on the floor and arranged in a semicircle around him are five to seven pairs of players. Each pair has one person sitting behind the other. The caller at the center of the semicircle calls the names of the front members of two different pairs and those two people race each other to kiss the caller. At the same time, the players sitting behind the two competitors grab their partners and do every thing they can to hold them back. Whoever, kisses the caller first, wins. The winner’s partner (the player who held him back), becomes the new caller and the old caller sits in front of this round’s winner. The players in the other pair trade places.


    • Assassin is an especially popular on college campuses. Each player is an assassin and receives a target they must “kill.” The kills are achieved with weapons approved by the game organizers, such as foam dart guns, water guns or wooden spoons. The last assassin left alive wins the game

      By their very nature, Assassin games can take place over a series of days. Players can make kills at any time of the day or night, in any non-restricted area, including college dormitories. Restricted areas usually include classrooms, libraries and houses of worship.

      The Massachusetts Institute of Technology hosts a club called the MIT Assassin’s Guild, which plays a variant of Assassin called Patrol that is well-suited for dorm buildings. The games stay in one building and last about three hours. Patrol rules are the same as standard Assassin except that players work in teams and any player killed can resurrect herself by going to a specially designated “resurrection floor.”

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