Healthy Lifestyle Tips for College Students

Going to college represents a big change in the life of a young adult. You will move to a new environment that requires new habits and a great deal more self-care than you may be used to. When making the transition from home to college, it is important to remember to preserve your mental and physical health. Consider how you are going to stay healthy and productive during these key years.
  1. Exercise Regularly

    • College can promote a very sedentary lifestyle, where the only exercise that you get is from walking from the dorms to class. Most colleges and universities have a gym on the premises that students are allowed to use for free. Take advantage of the different activities that are available and try new things. Vary your exercise regimen so you don't get bored with it, but remember to exercise regularly.

    Sleep Regularly

    • It can be tempting to stay up late, whether you want to study or hang out with new friends, but remember that to get the most out of your time awake, you should be getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. Not only is the amount of sleep important, you will find that the regularity of sleep is important as well. Do not short yourself sleep during the week and then sleep in on the weekend. This can leave you feeling more tired than you were before.

    Use School Health Resources

    • Use your school's health resources. The school clinic has doctors, nurses and counselors on hand to help you. Go in for regular check-ups and go in early if you start to feel ill. Schools often provide free vaccinations, which are an essential part of preventative care. Take advantage of any free cold medication that the school clinics hand out. College brings you in contact with many people every day, so take efforts to stay germ-free.

    Eat Well

    • Whether you are cooking for yourself for the first time or eating at the college's cafeteria, be careful what you eat. A buffet-style cafeteria can lead to eating more than what you intend, while convenience foods can pack on the calories. Be conscious about what you are eating and be sure that you get plenty of vegetables and fruit in your diet. A balanced diet keeps you healthy and gives you the energy to get through the exam season.

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