Money Making Ideas for College Students

It is tough to find the time and energy needed to go to class, socialize, and buy essentials and luxuries while attending college. Money is often scarce, and competition for jobs comes not just from other students, but from the local population as well. Fortunately, even when economic conditions go south, there are still ways for college students to make a few extra bucks.
  1. Sell Your Essays

    • College life involves writing numerous few essays. Every student has some old research papers wasting away on the computer's hard drive. You can sell them online and make some money to go along with your grade. will pay $25 for literary essays, which are then posted, along with your byline, to be used for research purposes. On other sites, such as, you post your essay on any topic and wait for an offer to come in. These kinds of websites, however, are a bit more tricky ethically-speaking because you have no way of controlling whether your essays might be turned in by others as their own work.

    Tutor Your Fellow Students

    • Contrary to the concept of standardized education, not everybody is equally adept at all subjects. You may find math classes a whiz and English classes torture, whereas the opposite is probably true of somebody else. If you are an outstanding student in one discipline, you can offer tutoring services to your classmates to supplement your income. You might even offer your tutoring abilities to local high school students.

    Write Articles on a Freelance Basis

    • The Internet has created many new opportunities for freelance writers. The days of pounding out an article, mailing it to a magazine, and playing the waiting game are over. You don't need to be an English major to provide expert insight for an article submitted to sites like,, and

    Work as a Deejay

    • Partying at college is very nearly as important as studying; at least for a great many students. If you have the talent required to be the grand mixmaster at a party or nightclub, as well as the endurance to burn the candle at both ends, becoming a deejay can be a path toward making some money during college as well as a chance to gain experience in entertainment business.

    Provide Computer Tech Support

    • Computers sometimes seem as if they are destined to crash. Tech support can be both expensive and time-consuming, not to mention frustrating. You can fill in the gap between the guys on the phone in India and the Geek Squad by offering your expertise in getting all those laptops on campus up and running again. This is great way to earn cash and make new friends.

    Run a Cleaning Service

    • It's an inescapable fact of college life: some students are just plain slobs. Dorm rooms and fratenity and sorority houses can become cluttered over the course of a semester. If you don't mind picking through the flotsam and jetsam that is a natural part of the college experience, this is one money -making idea that is absolutely recession proof. Don't forget to charge extra for finding that research paper due the next day that's been lost for two weeks.

    Invest in Penny Stocks

    • Penny stocks are those listed on the stock exchange that sell for less than a dollar. With just $100, you can potentially buy 100 or 1000 shares of a single company's stock. If a penny stock you bought for 25 cents goes up just 5 cents, you could conceivably make a significant profit. This money- making idea should be undertaken with extreme caution, and you must understand the risk that you can just as easily lose all your money as double or triple it. The lower the stock market is when you enter college, however, the greater the potential you have for making a financial gain by the time you leave.

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