Tips to Be Safe With Alcohol

If you choose to consume alcohol without drinking responsibly, you are putting your life in danger. Of the nearly 34,000 driving fatalities in 2009, roughly one-third involved the use of alcohol. These statistics do not even take into consideration the other dangers and long-term risks of alcohol, such as alcohol poisoning and liver disease. Developing safe habits when it comes to drinking alcohol may well make the difference between life and death.
  1. Eat Before And While Drinking

    • Never consume alcohol on an empty stomach. Choose foods that are high in protein or fat, such as cheese or nuts, to ensure your stomach has something in it before you start drinking. Once you begin drinking, make sure to eat periodically so your stomach remains filled. The more food you have in your stomach, the slower your body absorbs the alcohol you consume. This also lowers your risk of alcohol poisoning.

    Know Your Limit

    • Safe drinkers know when they need to stop drinking. Don't set an arbitrary numerical limit of drinks before the night starts; depending on the alcohol you have, how quickly you drink and how much food you eat, your limit fluctuates drastically with every situation. On one night, you might barely feel the effects of five drinks, for instance, while on another night the same amount could leave you feeling very ill. Listen to your body and stop drinking before a problem results.

    Stay Hydrated

    • Don't just drink alcohol on a night of drinking. Give yourself plenty of other fluids between alcoholic beverages and after you are done drinking for the night. Liquids like water and juice help to prevent dehydration, which is particularly important when drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a tendency to cause dehydration when drunk in excessive amounts, which is one primary reason you experience a hangover the next morning.

    Drink Slowly

    • Avoid drinking games or any kind of binge drinking activity. It's much safer to pace yourself when drinking alcohol. A full stomach requires roughly 60 to 90 minutes before the full effects of alcohol kick in. If you drink too much alcohol too quickly, it will already be too late by the time you realize you have consumed too much. This is how alcohol poisoning occurs.

    Use A Designated Driver

    • Even light drinking impairs your judgment as well as the basic motor skills and reactions required to operate an automobile. If you plan on doing any drinking at all, make sure you have a designated driver to ensure you get home safely. Don't take any chances on driving if you are drinking, even if you feel sober.

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