How to Avoid Alcohol Poisoning When Hazing

Drinking games are common during the hazing process for many college social clubs; however, no one involved wants to see a person get alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning occurs when you consume too much alcohol for your body to process. This can result in your central nervous system shutting down, which can be fatal.


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      Know your limit. Different body types process alcohol differently. If you're lightweight, don't try to drink like someone who is overweight. Once you start feeling giddy or buzzed, slow down or quit drinking. A good rule of thumb to help you avoid alcohol poisoning is to limit your alcohol consumption to 1.5 ounces per hour. This is the standard amount found in one 12 ounce beer or one 5 ounce glass of wine.

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      Eat well before you drink. A full stomach reduces the effects of alcohol by slowing the rate your body absorbs the alcohol. Plan on snacking while you drink to keep food in your stomach.

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      Avoid drinking too much too fast. Slamming, funneling or gulping alcoholic drinks can lead to alcohol poisoning. Some drinks like Long Island Iced Tea have five different alcohols mixed in. Slow down and alternate a non-alcoholic drink between alcoholic drinks.

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      Watch for symptoms. Whether you're a club member involved in the hazing, or a participant, you need to watch for slurred speech, the inability to stand up or walk and people vomiting. Other signs include passing out, seizures, blue tinged skin and slowed breathing. If you start to experience these symptoms, stop drinking. If you see these symptoms in another, prevent them from drinking further.

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      Call it quits. It isn't worth going through the hazing if you wind up hurting or killing yourself. If you know a drinking game or activity exceeds, your limit speak up. It's better to not make the club than die.

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