How to Quit Drinking in College

Drinking in college is common, even among those who are underage. The college party culture makes the decision to quit drinking more difficult because it is tied to social life. But avoiding alcohol can improve grades and health and deter a possible future drinking problem.


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      Assess how much you drink. Be honest with yourself. Take note especially of the number of times in a week you drink enough to affect how you function the next day, and whether you drink enough to be sick or passed out.

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      Look at the situations in which you drink. College parties, dorm room get-togethers, watching sports or while alone.

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      Decide on one occasion where you won't drink, even when others are. Find someone else in the room who isn't drinking either.

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      Add more occasions to the week or month where you don't drink. This sets a drinking limit goal.

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      Get help if you can't go through a few occasions where others are drinking. This can be a sign you have developed some degree of alcohol dependency, or need some assistance with avoiding peer pressure.

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      Find other things to do. Sometimes drinking is connected to boredom, stress and anxiety. Try a movie, a workout at the gym, social time with a friend who isn't drinking or a long phone call.

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      Watch for co-dependency in relationships. A friendship or love interest that has a lot of drinking involved may be something to avoid while you quit drinking.

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