How to Flirt With College Guys

Dating in college can seem intimidating at first. There are so many new people; how can you ever hope to meet someone? There are many tricks to help you bust out onto the college dating scene and meet all kinds of new, cute guys.


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      Decide the kind of guy you're looking for. Try asking around about different clubs or student organizations that match your interests; that way if you meet someone you'll already have at least one thing in common.

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      Catch his eye first. If you see a cute guy working at a restaurant or in your class, make eye contact and smile or say hi. If he answers and looks away, wait until another time to try again. You want conversation to seem casual, not like you're planning it out.

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      When he does keep looking at you, take the chance to ask him a question. Ask how his classes are going, how he likes living on campus, or what it's like to work on campus (if you're talking to him at his job). Anything college-related is easy to talk about: homework, exams, lack of sleep and cafeteria food.

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      Keep the conversation going and try to ask him questions that let him talk about himself. Smiling or laughing usually shows you're interested, as does eye contact.

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      Try to run into him again a day or two later, and take the chance to ask him if he wants to study or grab something to drink. Catching him when he's just getting out of class or off work is a great tactic to use, especially if he's alone. That way he won't feel like he's being put on the spot.

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