About Courtship in Medieval Times

Many of today's traditional romance and dating ideals have deep-seated roots in courtship from medieval times. From opening doors for ladies, saccharine poetry and serenades between star-crossed lovers, many of these elements are still admired (though generally not often practiced) in the modern world. The main foundations of medieval courtship are honor and chastity.
  1. Significance

    • The medieval times were all about chivalry in romance and courtship. The importance of love was increasingly important as many young men and women started to move against the idea of arranged marriages. From men singing to their prospective wives to writing them poetry, the emphasis on medieval courtship was passion and romance.


    • The concept of courtship occurred as a reaction against arranged marriages, which were determined by the families of the mates. The most important factor in this deciding process was socioeconomic status. Attraction and love were seemingly the most insignificant factors. These lackluster concepts are what led to the emergence of courtship and chivalry.


    • There are many different types of courtship. Some of the most common medieval courtship methods include men buying a lady dinner, men always holding the door open for ladies, men being the one to first ask the lady out, men planning the dates and get-togethers and men wooing the object of their love with poetry, serenades and love letters.


    • In the 11th century, a love for the ladies became even more vital for the Medieval Code of Chivalry. Knighthood became more "romantic" and that was seen as a source of dignity. Knights were expected to spend their leisure time learning the "science" of poetry and gallantry. The laws of gallantry were considered even more important than those of military honor.

    Expert Insight

    • Chivalry is one of the main components to medieval courtship. Thirteenth-century ideals of chivalry dictated that men should honor and serve, and never do anything to displease maidens and ladies. The three main factors of the Ten Commandments of the Medieval Code of Chivalry are religion, war and love of ladies, which shows just how important an appreciation for women was considered.

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