About Academy Schools

Academy schools provide education to children according to a particular field they choose. They are different from usual schools because they focus on teaching a basic field of specialization and design their curriculum accordingly. Academy schools help children get a sense of direction when it comes to choosing career paths. They tend to polish the student's skills and improve his knowledge base so he is prepared to enter college and pursue a particular field of study.
  1. Military Academy Schools

    • Military academy schools are a well-respected system of education in the United States. These academies train children to prepare them for jobs in military or other sectors. There are many military academies currently operating in the United States. Some of these include Culver Military Academy in Indiana, Fork Union Military Academy in Virginia, New York Military Academy and Riverside Military Academy in Georgia.

    Naval Academy Schools

    • Naval academy schools aim to develop students' educational, moral and physical foundations. These academies focus on teaching mathematics, physics, computer science and other technical subjects. Some of the naval academy schools available in United States are the Army and Navy Academy in California, the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Rhode Island and United States Naval Academy in Maryland.

    Air Academy Schools

    • An air academy or Air Force academy is responsible for providing preliminary training and education to students who wish to pursue a career in Air Force. The curricular of these academies include technical subjects such as specialized physics and mathematics. A few of the air academy schools in the United States are Florida Air Academy in Florida, Wisconsin Air Academy in Wisconsin and National Aviation Academy in Florida.

    Art Academy Schools

    • Art academy schools provide education in various fields of art such as painting, sketching, music, film making and design. These academies polish the creativity of students and help them pursue art as a profession. There are a number of art academy schools in the United States such as the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, The Art Institute of Seattle, Washington, The Los Angeles Film School, Brown College Minnesota and International Academy of Design and Technology in Florida.

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