How to Donate Used College Books

Textbooks are a required purchase for almost every college course. For one semester alone, a student could purchase up to ten or fifteen books. Many students resell, throw out or keep their books after a course's end; however, consider book donation as another option for used textbooks. Finding a local organization that accepts used college books can help your incoming classmates.


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      Clean out the bookshelf. If you haven't used the book within six months to a year and don't anticipate future use, consider donating the college book. Books should be in good condition, have little or no written notes in the margins, be void of your name and address and have all of its pages.

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      Find a local organization for college book donation. While most cities have a Goodwill and library, consider also less-known organizations that may be in need of college textbooks. Utilize the Corporation for National and Community Services and discover the gift of giving books to benefit others, both nationally and abroad. Charity groups such as Books for the Barrios, First Book and Books Through Bars rely on community donations.

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      Contact the chosen charity to determine eligibility. Some organizations have specific book wish lists or censorship restrictions; ensure that your books meet the guidelines. Additionally, coordinate when to drop off the books, or if they will be picked up by an organization representative.

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      Calculate the books total value. Make an honest assessment of the total worth of your college books that you are donating, calculating the original purchase price and book condition into the equation.

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      Get a tax write-off. Receive a tax-deductible form upon book donation; complete and save for end-of-year tax submission. Obtain a charity representative signature or business stamp, if required.

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