How to Do Well On a Final Exam

Doing well on a final exam is important in determining your overall grade for a specific class. Final exams can be stressful but there are ways to make the time to study less stressful. When the day of the exam arrives, you should be more prepared by following these steps:


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      Take note of when the exam will take place. By having an idea of what exams you have throughout the week, you will be better prepared and organized.

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      Once you have your exam schedule, start studying as soon as possible. Begin studying the exam that comes first onto your schedule. If you have more than one exam on the same day, devote more time to the one you have more trouble with.

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      Try to study periodically each day. Don't try to learn everything in two days. By reviewing the same information over a week, the material will be easier to grasp.

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      The night before the exam, be sure to get plenty of rest. By getting enough sleep, your mind will be more alert and focused for the duration of the final.

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      On the day of the exam, look over the information once more in order to reinforce the material.

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