How to Design Notecards

Preparing for an exam requires time, diligence and a proven study method. Study notecards--also known as flash cards--help students learn terminology, equations, processes, theories and other small fragments of information, according to the University of Manitoba in Canada. Creating notecards exposes students to the exam material a minimum of three times before the exam. The first exposure happens while locating the facts in a textbook or course materials. The second reference occurs when the student writes the information on the notecards, and finally, a third review happens during the first use of the notecards.

Things You'll Need

  • 3x5 index cards
  • Colorful pens
  • Highlighting markers
  • Textbooks
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    • 1

      Choose an individual chapter, lesson or topic and prepare to make five to seven notecards. Dividing the notecard making process into several parts, rather than focusing on an entire course of study, makes the process easier.

    • 2

      Write the chapter topic on the top left corner of each 3x5 notecard. For an exam in biology, topics might include "the brain" or "digestive system."

    • 3

      Select facts or possible test questions and write short phrases on the front of each notecard. Focus on using keywords rather than complete sentences.

    • 4

      Flip the notecards over and write the answers to the questions or expand on the facts with more details, a definition, sketch or how they fit into the overall chapter theme.

    • 5

      Add the source of each fact to the bottom right corner of the back of each notecard. Include the name of the reference material and a page number.

    • 6

      Separate subtopics within the chapter of study by using different colors of ink or highlighting markers. For example, on the "digestive system" notecards, highlight all facts dealing with the large intestine in yellow and all information relating to the stomach in pink.

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