How to Cram for a Final Exam

It's the week that students everywhere dread: finals. Regardless of what you are studying, final exams can add extra stress to your life. This can be especially true if you are trying to juggle school, family and work responsibilities. You should always try to study for your exams starting at least a week or two in advance. Sometimes, however, that turns out to be impossible, and you must turn to plan B -- cramming.


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      Gather your study materials. Have your textbook, study guides, notes, handouts, assignments and previous tests on hand. These all contain information you will need to pass your final exam, and you don't want to waste precious study time looking for them.

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      Eat a snack before you get started. Eating gives you energy and helps boost your brain function. Snack before you start so that you can study for at least an hour before taking a break.

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      Read the material you are least comfortable with first. Don't spend as much time on material you already know well. You should review everything, but dedicate the majority of your study time to information you feel you are mostly likely to forget at the exam.

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      Write notes as you study. Don't simply reread old notes. Rewriting your notes helps cement the information in your brain. If your professor provided a study guide, write notes or paragraphs answering every topic on the guide.

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      Talk to yourself while you read and take notes. Saying the information out loud will help you remember it later. You are more likely to forget if you silently skim the text and notes.

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      Take breaks frequently. Get up and stretch or take a walk every hour to hour and half. Grab a snack if you are hungry, or a soda if you feel drowsy. Breaks should be no more than five to 10 minutes. Use that time to clear your mind and get right back to studying.

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      Make breakfast in the morning before the exam. Protein from eggs will help you stay full during the test and will give you the energy you need to focus. Don't go to the test hungry or you can get distracted and forget the information you studied the night before.

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