How to Study for Surgical Instruments Exam

All surgical technologists must pass a surgical instruments exam in order to become certified. Dozens of different surgical instruments must be memorized and used by the surgical technologist on a daily basis. Remembering the names, appearances, and uses of all of the surgical instruments that are used and that will be on the surgical instruments exam can be challenging, but with dedication, nearly anyone can study for and pass the surgical instruments exam.


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      Start studying early for the exam. There are too many instruments to memorize to be able to successfully cram for this exam. Instead, start studying on the very first day of class for the exam.

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      Utilize flashcards to memorize the names of the surgical instruments. Virtual flashcards or traditional flashcards can be used. Create your own or use flashcards designed by others (see Resources).

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      Study with a group. Study groups allow a multitude of study techniques to be used. A study technique used by a classmate may work better than other study techniques previously used.

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      Ask questions about surgical instruments while in class. Understanding what the instruments are used for makes it easier to memorize their names.

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      Play games, such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire and Jeopardy, (see Resources) to make studying fun. People are more likely to continue studying if it is not boring.

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