How to Cite Internet & Journal Articles in APA Style

Writing a paper can be difficult--by the time you get to your works cited page, you may feel drained. This process does not have to be so daunting, however. Websites such as Purdue Owl have guides on exactly how to cite each type of source. If you are writing a paper in the social sciences, you will need to use the American Psychological Association (APA) style.


    • 1

      Search and note all the information you can find about your journal or Internet article. For now, don't worry about keeping it in any specific order. Write down the title of the article, the date it was published, the author and the website address. For journal articles, also write down the title of the periodical, the volume number and the issue number.

    • 2

      Open the document in which you wish to create the works cited page. Write down all the authors' names, each on a separate line, with the last name first. Follow each last name by a comma and then the first and middle initial. Organize the names in alphabetical order. For multiple authors, separate the names by a comma. Follow the author names by a period.

    • 3

      Place the date of publication in parentheses and follow it by a period. Following that, write down the title of the document. Italicize it if it is an internet article, and leave it in a normal font if it is a journal article. Follow the title by a period.

    • 4

      Leave the Internet articles alone for a moment and focus on the journal articles. Write down the title of the periodical and italicize it. Place a comma after that and write down the volume number. Immediately after that, without a space, write the issue number in parentheses. For hard copy journal articles, write the page numbers separated by a dash. You should italicize all this information. Follow that with a period.

    • 5

      End the citation with "Retrieved from" and the website address, followed by a period for all internet and online journal articles.

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