Tips on Remembering Periodic Table

The periodic table has a total of 118 unique elements, with each element having a specific symbol and factors that apply to it. Memorizing this can be a challenge for some students due to the vast number of numbers and letters to recognize. However, there are structural details in the periodic table that can aid memorization.
  1. Element and Symbol

    • One of the basic structural details of the periodic table is that each element is paired with a unique alphabetic symbol. Aside from a few exceptions, the letters of these symbols are usually derived from the first two letters or the first letter of the syllables of the element. Recognize elements that fall under this rule -- verbalize the element's name and write down each symbol repeatedly and vice versa. Afterward, note the exceptions to this rule and memorize them separately.

    Element and Group

    • Each vertical column in the periodic table is considered a family due to each element having similar qualities. For example, the column starting with hydrogen is one of the alkali metal elements. This has proven to be another effective memorization technique as science books list elements to belong to one of these families. Additionally, there are over-arching groups between each section of the table that can be also be used as well.

    Element and Atomic Number

    • Each element is also associated with a unique atomic number which signifies the number of protons that element possesses. The memorization technique for this is through utilizing mnemonics -- similar to the technique of memorizing phone numbers with names. You can utilize peg words so as you see the element, you associate it with the atomic number or through creating a mnemonic alphabet: associating a number to a variety of similar words, including the element.

    Element and Position: Rules of Thumb

    • The key to memorizing each element's position on the table is to only remember enough numbers and rules that the brain can handle. Here are some basic rules of thumb: there are two elements for the first row, eight elements for each of the second and third rows, 16 elements for the fourth and fifth rows and 32 for the last two rows, including those on the detached rows at the bottom of the table. The table divides after one element in the first row, two elements in the second and third rows and three elements in the last two rows. Sketch out the table utilizing these rules will help to commit the overall design to memory.

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