How to Write a First-Person Essay

Writing an effective first-person essay enables you to insert yourself into the essay and can be practice for college admission essays and cover letters that often require the use of the first-person format. While some teachers and professors frown upon the use of first-person for academic or scholarly papers, the format is useful for addressing personal topics. Keep these steps in mind while composing your draft to avoid some of the common missteps while using first person.


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      Start your essay with an introductory paragraph or section about yourself. First person is often used for describing personal experiences, feelings or stories, so unless you're a famous person, a short introduction will give the reader's a sense of your point of view. Include any information about yourself that is applicable to the content of the essay.

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      Use the next paragraphs to describe the details and substance of your essay. If you are writing a narrative about a personal story or experience, start at the beginning and include any background information that will benefit the reader's understanding. The descriptions and details help the reader engage with the essay and involves them in your experience.

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      Finish the essay with a conclusion or climax. The final section should wrap up the points you made in the text and explain how they relate. For example, if you are are writing an essay entitled "Why I Decided To Apply To College," describe in the essay why the events drove you to continue your education beyond high school.

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      Watch how many times you use the pronoun "I" during the text. While it is certainly allowed to use the word, overusing "I" will make your writing sound undeveloped and rudimentary. Count how many of your sentences, sections or paragraphs begin with "I." If they dominate your article, consider reworking the sentence to avoid the use of the pronoun.

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