How to Write an Essay Faster

The deadline for your college class or online course is tomorrow, and you haven't even started writing your paper yet. Here's how to write an essay quickly:


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      Write an outline. It's tempting to skip the outline when you need to write an essay fast, but having a plan will help you zip through the writing process. Plan for an introduction, conclusion and a few crucial sections/questions for the body of your paper. You can always add to or change these sections as you write.

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      Don't start with the introduction. Leave the introduction and conclusion until last, when you know for sure what your paper will contain. That way you won't waste time being uncertain about what to write.

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      Do start with the content you know most about. Perhaps you know everything about jazz music but not blues, or you aced the accounting section in your medical billing class. Beginning your essay with the sections you know most about will get you moving and help you gauge how much research you'll really need for what's left.

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      Go to the right sources. Don't waste your time looking at websites that don't meet academic standards. Stick to .gov websites or trusted organizations and companies for online essay information, and use your textbook to find additional sources fast. Then you'll know that your sources will pass your professor's standards.

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      Don't give up. If you really can't finish an essay on time, be prepared to plead your case with the professor. Never plagiarize your essay or use an online essay writing service. If you get caught, your future educational opportunities could be on the line.

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