What Is the Purpose of Critically Appraising a Qualitative Research Paper?

Qualitative research papers are critically appraised and peer reviewed for accuracy, academic honesty, and content. Critical appraisal and peer review limit poor quality or redundant papers from filling academic journals, and enhance the quality of writing in the academic field. Peer review is one of the oldest academic practices to date and is one of the most reliable academic review processes. However, critical appraisal and peer review are not without fault. Authors have been able to sneak by faked or poorly obtained data due to misrepresentation of their methods and data sets.
  1. Reviewing Data

    • Qualitative research papers are written to review data from experiments or studies. The purpose of qualitative research papers varies with the intent of the author or the professional completing the study. One author may write a qualitative research paper based on the results of an experiment that was conducted by another author. This is permissible and even encouraged (citing another's work is considered an academic honor) as long as the source is properly cited. Critically appraising a paper ensures that results are properly studied and academic credit is given to those who deserve it.

    Magazines vs Scholarly Journals

    • Qualitative research papers will often contain complex and master-level information or concepts. Critically appraising a qualitative research paper ensures that this practice is maintained. Novice-level concepts are published in magazines instead of journals. Magazines contain less complex concepts and the information is difficult to reproduce or verify. A scholarly journal will give detailed results and the methods of determination or collection. A magazine will give a brief overview of the results and have a journalistic format.

    Use Jargon

    • Qualitative research papers often use jargon. Jargon is job-related language that describes specific aspects of the subject under study. Using jargon instead of common language elevates the paper to an academic level and restricts readership. Use of jargon in qualitative research papers is encouraged and reviewed. Reviewing for jargon is used to establish accuracy and the author's experience level.

    Ensure Originality

    • Qualitative research papers further the field of study and reduce redundancy. Any field of study will often have multiple journals that are recognized as reliable academic journals for use in research and study. Papers are critically appraised to ensure that the specific subject is not only accurate and properly cited and presented, but also that it will further understanding within that field. Any author may have a great idea and put it into words and submit it as a paper only to find that another author has already considered the data and submitted a paper.

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