What Is the Theme of a Research Paper?

Research papers can cover a wide variety of topics. An idea or concept, whether in non-fiction or fiction writing, can pull the information in the paper together to form a clear opinion on a subject or time era.
  1. Function

    • A theme is a set of ideals that permeate a writing work to prove a point or to highlight a common issue. When a research paper is being written, the writer must cultivate and explain a common issue, depending on the subject he is writing about, such as freedom of speech.


    • The purpose of a research paper is to draw a light upon a subject and its subsequent impact. The theme gives the paper a backbone or outline for the writer to follow so that the impact can be adequately described and illustrated as important for the reader.


    • Sometimes a theme can be hidden within the text, allowing the research paper to interpret the overall meaning and importance of a subject.

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