How to Train for Crime Scene Cleanup

Decontamination specialists clean up after brutal crimes or after suicides take place. It is up to the owner of the home or business to clean once the police have cleared the area. An average person is not emotionally strong enough or even educated in the proper disposal of contamination. Decontamination specialists receive proper training in handling blood and other hazardous materials. If this is an area you are interested in, there are a few things to keep in mind about training for crime scene cleanup.


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      Educate yourself on the job description of a decontamination specialist. Crime scene cleanup is not for the faint at heart. You must mentally prepare for a career in this field.

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      Research federal and state laws about handling hazardous wastes. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has strict rules about the proper handling and disposal of contaminated surfaces and objects. Check their website for current laws.

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      Locate the availability and cost for training in your area. Shop around for the best deal, but make sure you do not sacrifice quality for cost. If you are unable to find a local training facility, attend courses online.

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      Complete all prerequisites before attending your school of choice. Many schools only require that you have a high school diploma and basic knowledge of your career choice before enrolling in the course.

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      Complete all necessary coursework to obtain certification. According to the National Institute of Decontamination Specialists, your certificate from school will also get you certified as a Bio Recovery Technician by the American Bio Recovery Association.

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