How to Apply to the University of Wollongong, Australia

When considering the possibility of studying abroad, an interesting option is to head Down Under. Several Australian universities are accredited by the American government, meaning that they will accept American federal financial aid, making it suddenly much more affordable to study abroad. One of the universities you may want to consider is the University of Wollongong. An hour south of Sydney on the eartern coast of Australia, UOW is an international melting pot and a great place to spend a year or two studying.


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      Start at AustraLearn, either their website (see Resources) or their location in Denver. AustraLearn is a not-for-profit based in the United States and supported by universities in New Zealand and Australia. The company will help navigate the international application process, work with you on financial aid, and help you find the perfect Down Under school for you and your specialty.

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      Get a passport to study abroad. It can take three months to get an American passport and then you will need to apply for a student visa for Australia, another process that can take months.

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      Fill out the application online. You will need the application fee, your transcripts, letters of recommendation and standardized test scores. You will also want to have someone in the United States who can act as your banker if necessary and help transfer your federal financial aid to your school in Australia.

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      Wait. Applications for most programs are due in May and then the UOW conducts telephone interviews with most candidates. it is not unusual to wait three to four months before the interview is scheduled.

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      Consider your housing options. On-campus housing fills up quickly, so apply early. Although English is the official language of both Australia and the United States, don't expect the language to be the same. For example, a bed-sit is what Americans would call an efficiency apartment.

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      Coordinate your travel plans, financial aid and even housing with AustraLearn. Finding a flight to Sydney can be expensive so plan to book your flight about a month before you go. Other airlines may fly cheaper than Qantas, but the Qantas flights are usually non-stop with more leg room and better in-flight entertainment.

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