What Are the Requirements for International College?

There are many colleges and study programs designed for international students who want to come to the U.S. to study. Studying in the U.S. can give international students the perspective of living in another country and culture and also provide them with the knowledge and skills to put forward to their long-term career goals. However, most colleges that admit international students have requirements. The requirements may vary per school, but there are some general requirements that usually pertain to international students applying to college in the U.S.
  1. Language

    • Most international colleges will require that foreign students provide grades for the TOEFL. TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, is a standard test that can be taken by students all over the world. The test can be provided online or through scheduled in-class sessions, depending on the location. The test evaluates the student's ability to read, write and comprehend the English language, which is extremely important for students who are attending college studies that will taught in the English language. TOEFL is used as the standard by most institutions that accept foreign-language students.


    • Some schools require international students to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The SAT I, and sometimes, SAT II, is required. The SAT I consists of a Reasoning Test that is designed to test math and verbal skills through a series of multiple choice questions. The math covers areas such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry and logical reasoning, probability and counting. The verbal section consists of analogies to test your knowledge of word meanings and relationships, sentence completions to test your ability to depict structural elements of a sentence, and critical reading, which tests your ability to read and critically evaluate a passage. The SAT II contains 22 separate tests called subject tests, which cover areas such as world history, languages or biology. Some schools require the SAT II if you are studying a particular subject. You can take prep SAT courses on College Board (see Resources).

    Other Education

    • International students are required to fulfill educational requirements that pertain to the type of course they are studying. For example, students applying for admission into a bachelor or certificate degree normally require a high school or high school equivalent education prior to being accepted. Student applying for post-graduate programs such as masters and doctorate degrees, are required to have a bachelor's degree prior to applying. Students who want to apply for specialized post-graduate studies in law or medicine will be required to take the LSAT or the GMAT. The higher the scores, the better the opportunities for acceptance; however, this is at the discretion of each particular school, so students should consult their school of choice for specific score requirements.

    Other Requirements

    • International students usually have to supply many of the same documents as domestic students, such as letters of recommendations from previous teachers. An admissions essay may be required by the student to put into his own words why he would be a good fit for the institution and what he plans to study. Students may also have to fulfill immigration requirements, such as obtaining a student visa for the duration of study and to show financially that they are able to support themselves through their studies.

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