What Grants Are Available for College?

Grants offer financial aid for college that students do not have to repay. Unlike scholarships, grants are often based solely on financial need. Federal grants help cover the high cost of undergraduate education, but institutional grants can be helpful for students needing additional assistance or for those who don't qualify for federal grants.
  1. Federal Pell Grants

    • Pell grants are the most common and basic federal grants. Any student with a qualifying Expected Family Contribution (currently between $0 and $5,273) can receive up to $5,550 (in the 2010-2011 school year). To apply, students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Fafsa.ed.gov. Have last year's tax returns and your FAFSA PIN available.

    Other Federal Grants

    • Five other types of specialized federal grants offer students entering certain professions or needing further funding for college. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program offers grants to low-income students in one of 4,000 participating universities. TEACH grants offer students in elementary or secondary education programs free funding if they agree to teach in rural or inner city areas for four years after graduation. Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG) are available to students enrolled in a "rigorous program of study" in high school. The National SMART grant offers aid to third and fourth year students earning their bachelors in math, science, engineering and some foreign language programs. Beginning in July 2010, the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants offer funding to recent war veterans.

    Institutional Grants

    • Most institutions offering financial aid will have their own grants with varying eligibility requirements. Some are as simple as financial need while other eligibility requirements can include academic performance and community service. Call the financial aid office of the institutions to which you apply to determine their policies and grant availability. Often helpful financial aid officers turn students to grant and aid programs that fit their past accomplishments and future goals.

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