How to Earn a Graduate Degree in Communications

The graduate program in communications will typically offer curriculum in the history, theory and current trends in communication. A master's degree usually takes one to two years of full-time attendance to complete.

Things You'll Need

  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
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      Research all institutions that offer your field of interest. Communications degrees can vary greatly and the length of the program, specializations offered and cost should all be considered before making your final decision.

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      Graduate degrees in communication can be earned online or in a regular brick-and-mortar institution. Both are demanding and the requirements are generally the same. The decision to attend online or not should be based on your current situation and specific needs.

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      Apply to your college of choice. Your acceptance will be based on your academic record and how you present yourself in your application. Consider your application carefully and include all work and references that will help you look your best.

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      After completing the curriculum you will be required to complete your masters thesis or capstone project depending on your specialization. Failure to complete the thesis/capstone in the required amount of time will result in dismissal from the program. Prepare for your thesis/capstone once you are comfortable with the program. This project will be the culmination of all you have learned in the program.

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      Apply for graduation the semester before you graduate. Upon completion and acceptance of the thesis, you will have successfully completed the Master of Communication graduate program.

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