How to Prepare for SAT Testing

The SAT is a college admissions test developed by the College Board. Preparing for the SAT is an important factor in how well a student will perform on this reasoning exam that consists of two areas---math and verbal. Preparation involves time, effort and extensive practice.


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      Identify weaknesses. Since the SAT focuses on math and verbal skills, it is necessary to begin evaluating how well you have mastered these concepts. Take practice tests available within workbooks at local libraries, high schools and bookstores. Based on these scores, identify areas in which you lack knowledge, and be prepared to hone these skills.

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      Plan early. Prepare for the SAT months in advance to the test date. Set a target date, and develop a schedule of study and tutoring sessions to keep you motivated and focused. Focus on your weak areas of knowledge, and seek tutoring through private companies and tutors or through resources at your school.

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      Practice test questions. Develop a diverse course of study with a variety of concepts and question structures. For example, students often succeed on the SAT because they have reviewed not only the concepts but different types of questions. Make sure that you are equipped to eliminate answers, narrow choices and effectively guess on concepts you do not know. This will increase your chances of gaining a higher score on the college admissions test.

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      Find study groups. Motivate yourself to prepare by organizing and participating in SAT preparation groups. Many high schools and colleges offer SAT prep courses or workshops that not only review the key math and verbal concepts but also the types of questions you will face on the test. Take advantage of these sessions, and form relationships with other students preparing to take the test. It will fuel your confidence and spark some motivation to continue preparing for the SAT.

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      Build your confidence. It is normal to experience anxiety as the test day nears; however, it is not beneficial to get down. Stay confident by fueling your mind and body. Get a good night's sleep the night before the test, give yourself a pep talk during the test and confidently tackle the questions one at a time. With the proper preparation, you can clearly complete the ACT test to the best of your abilities.

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