How to Survive a PhD Program

Since you've made it this far your academic potential has been proven. A PhD program, narrows down a broader field of study into a more specialized and advanced area, with a big research component. In addition to the hard work and determination that got you this far you need to be sure that outside responsibilities will not interfere with the intensity of this program. This survival guide is a good start to planning your journey.

Things You'll Need

  • The Ultimate Grad School Survival Guide by Lesli Mitchell
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      Put serious thought into which PhD program will best fit your career goals. Undertaking a PhD program for the wrong reasons such as, it is easy, the money is good or your friends are in it will work against your success. Read the course descriptions carefully to ensure that you will feel motivated during your study.

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      Read a more detailed survival guide for grad school. One example is, "The Ultimate Grad School Survival Guide" by Lesli Mitchell. If you can't find it in local bookstores order it from Amazon.

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      Understand the program requirements before commencing your studies. Course calendars and other printed information often do not give the full picture. Schedule an appointment with the department advisor so that you can ask detailed questions about the demands of the program. Balance your studies with work, you do not want your assignments, tests and projects to force you to quit either one.

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      Investigate, your options for student support. Join an on-campus support network for parents if you have children. In addition, academic support can be found in professors, study partners and study groups. Emotional support can be found in support groups, wellness material and workshops available in campus centers.

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      Give yourself a break. Successful graduate students follow a plan that works for them. Treat your academic obligations like a job. Review lecture material before it is presented. Complete assignments before they are due.

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      Always persist and never be deterred by adversities. Be determined to make it to the graduation ceremony.

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