How to Fund Study Abroad as a Graduate Student

While many colleges and universities increasingly offer study abroad options for undergraduate students, study abroad opportunities can be harder to find and pay for as a graduate student. If you're a graduate student interested in study abroad, find program options that fit your research interests and look for funding both in your university and elsewhere. Read on to learn more.


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      Look for scholarships offered by your university for study abroad. Many universities offer small scholarships to individuals who have never studied in a foreign country, individuals from minority groups or for travel to less commonly visited areas of the world such as Asia and the Middle East. These scholarships are commonly available to both undergraduate and graduate students and are available through the university's office of international education.

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      Seek out research opportunities or conferences in the area that you would like to visit. Try to find ways to apply your graduate studies and send papers to present at conferences abroad. Check with individual conferences to find out if they offer funding for new scholars and ask your department about funding available for travel expenses to attend conferences.

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      Research study abroad programs offered in your area of interest at your university or other universities and find out if positions are available for graduate assistants. You may be able to attend an undergraduate study abroad program as a graduate assistant and have your expenses waived.

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      Identify internships and research assistantships with nongovernment organizations or small nonprofits in your area of interest abroad. Many organizations operating abroad are interested in short-term employment of graduate students and may be willing to create a paid position for you even if one doesn't already exist.

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      Research grants and government funding given to specific areas of study. Many grants exist for certain aspects of education considered critical to national security, such as Arabic language and other cultural studies. If your research or study abroad fits with these areas of interest, external funding may be available for you.

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      Consider extensive research grants for your dissertation research, such as the Fulbright dissertation completion award for a full academic year of travel.

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