Grants for College Women With No Parental Help

Deciding to attend college can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. While you may be overjoyed to have the opportunity to better yourself and your future by acquiring more education, the recent cost increases for universities all over the country may take a toll on your pocketbook. From tuition and fees to books and lab equipment costs, college can be extremely expensive. However, for women that are going it alone, there's hope. Several financial aid programs exist that are specifically designed to help women with no parental help pay for college.
  1. Gender Specific Scholarships

    • Just as there are scholarships based on race, there are also scholarships based on gender. This type of assistance is referred to as gift aid, and does not have to be repaid after you graduate from college. Many scholarships like the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, and the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Women's Education Fund, are awarded while a woman is currently enrolled in college.

      When applying for gender-specific scholarships, make sure that you meet all of the requirements to increase your chances of winning the scholarship. A good GPA and academic record, verified enrollment status and well-rounded resume are typical requirements on most scholarship applications.

    Federal Financial Aid Grants

    • When scholarship choices run out, most students turn to financial aid options to finish covering their academic expenses. Women with no parental help are classified as independents if they meet certain requirements, and thus receive more financial aid money to assist them. However, if you don't qualify for independent status, you can still find financial aid assistance. Refer to the reference below for specific qualifications for independent status.

      Apply for standard financial aid options like the Pell Grant and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, or FSEOG, using the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Once completed, the application is then sent to the college you wish to attend, and the amount of assistance you qualify for is credited to your account and used to pay for your academic expenses.

      Keep in mind that grants, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid; therefore, what you are awarded is yours to keep, so long as you maintain adequate enrollment status and academic requirements.

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