Distance Education & Law Degrees

Distance learning or education, whereby students can obtain college degrees through online resources, has expanded to encompass numerous areas of study. Among them is the legal field. Students who don't live close to a traditional brick-and-mortar law school are able to obtain a degree through an online program,.
  1. Benefits of Online Law Degrees Programs

    • There are a number of benefits to the online law degree, including flexible scheduling for courses, fewer travel expenses, and being able to work from any location as long as it has an Internet connection. Students who are able to keep up with courses individually can do well in this kind of program.

    Disadvantages of Online Law Degree Programs

    • There are potential disadvantages, however, to online law programs, including the potential for scams or substandard courses from non-accredited schools. The American Bar Association warns that earning a law degree entirely through distance learning may limit a student's ability to sit for the bar exam in many states. On its face, a distance-learning program requires strict self-discipline, which might create problems for some students. It's important for students, before starting any program, to ensure it meets the requirements of their state's bar association.


    • The courses taught in online law schools are typically the same as the courses in traditional law schools. Students study from the same books and are given similar assignments, but the information comes over the Internet. Students are expected to learn about contract law, torts, criminal law, legal writing and legal research, just as in a traditional school.

    Styles of Learning Online

    • The styles of learning for online law degree programs vary depending on the school, the instructors and the specific courses. Professors might provide video lectures or chat-room discussions. Some teachers will allow students to set a preferred schedule while others require students to log on at specific times. Students take tests online according to the professor's timetable and usually have due dates for assignments.

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