Online Master's in Information Technology

An online master's degree in information technology (IT) is designed for professionals who want to work in management positions and be responsible for budget planning, implementing emerging technologies and training new employees. Opportunities are also available for graduates to develop leadership skills, in addition to gaining an advanced understanding of information technology.
  1. Prerequisites

    • In order to enroll in an information technology master's degree program, prospective students must have a bachelor's degree in IT or other computer-related area. Some programs prefer that students have experience in the field as well, and others may even require that applicants be current working professionals.


    • Online master's programs in information technology emphasize topics involving systems administration and product management. Core IT courses include organizational behavior, information security management, global information technology management, information systems and management of information systems. Students pursuing a master's degree in information technology can also pursue elective opportunities in management of software systems, database systems management and computer systems administration.

    Technology Requirements

    • Students enrolling in an online master's degree program in information technology must have a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. Many online degree programs in this field also require that students have an up-to-date operating system. Like other online degree programs, students may need to have a microphone, speakers, CD/DVD player and web cam.

    Course Delivery

    • Professors who teach online master's degree programs in information technology are generally the same ones who teach the on-campus programs. Courses are delivered through online lectures, podcasts, CD/DVDs and readings. An online program in information technology also offers students an opportunity to develop techniques through tutorials.

    Job Prospects

    • According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, "faster than average employment growth is expected" in the IT field through 2018, "and job prospects should be excellent." Graduates with a master's degree in information technology will be prepared for management careers within the field. Jobs are available as information technology directors, IT architect and systems managers, data processing managers and systems software managers.

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