Online Colleges in Houston

A college education has become almost indispensable in our society today. Individuals with college degrees tend to earn substantially more than those without. For a variety of reasons, however, some find themselves unable to attend a college in the traditional method. Houston, Texas, is a city of more than two million, known for its size, its diversity, and numerous colleges and universities. For those seeking alternatives to traditional college, there are several online colleges in Houston.
  1. University of Houston

    • The University of Houston is over 80 years old, having become part of the state institution system almost 50 years ago. The school offers its students over 300 majors from which to choose, as well as the opportunity to study online. Interactive television courses, which are generally shown on one campus and sent through electronic means to others, are offered. Courses are also taught at numerous off-campus centers, online, or via the hybrid method: partial instruction in class and the other half online. Students may complete a bachelor's or master's degree, as well as earn various certificates. Core undergraduate courses by degree seekers must often be taken elsewhere. The university is known for its far-reaching online program, as more than 10,000 students study each year, making it the largest in the state. The application process is the same as for the general program, as is the cost.

      UH Distance Education
      101 C. N. Hilton Hotel and College
      Houston, TX 77204-3051

    DeVry University - Houston

    • DeVry University, Houston, offers online programs for those seeking an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree. Students may study at either the Houston Galleria Center campus or the main Houston campus. DeVry University is more than 75 years old, and for students of either campus, classes from the College of Business & Management, the College of Engineering & Information Science, College of Health Science, and the College of Media Arts & Technology are available. Admissions requirements include that students be 17 years of age at the beginning of the classes.

      DeVry University
      Houston Campus
      11125 Equity Dr.
      Houston, TX 77041

    University of Phoenix - Houston

    • The University of Phoenix, Houston, offers its students undergraduate and graduate degrees in various disciplines, including Psychology, Nursing, and Criminal Justice. The campus is one of more than 200 offered by the nationwide university, which was established almost 45 years ago. An associate's degree may also be earned in Communication or General Studies. Contact the campus prior to embarking on study, as course options may change. Also, admissions requirements for potential undergraduate include employment, or the ability spend time in a professional environment, as the university desires that students apply their in-house learning in a practical manner.

      University of Phoenix Houston
      11451 Katy Freeway
      Houston, TX 77079-2004

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