Pro and Cons of Online Colleges

There are several advantages to earning a degree in higher education. A college degree is required to work in a variety of fields. If you are seeking to advance in your current career, a degree may help you do so. Taking courses in higher education can also simply be enlightening. Today, there are several accredited online colleges you can choose from, but before applying to one, weigh the pros and cons to make sure this option is the right choice for you.
  1. Flexible Schedule

    • Perhaps one of the most attractive traits of attending an online college is the flexible schedule. Online colleges typically offer programs that you can access on your own time, making it possible for you to attend class without disrupting your current schedule. This is particularly ideal if you have a full-time job or are a parent, as you can complete your coursework when it is convenient for you.


    • Another positive aspect associated with attending an online college is the convenience of where you study. Because classes are accessed online, you can attend class anywhere you have access to the Internet. For example, if you are traveling, as long as you can log on to the Internet you won't have to miss class.

    Cost Effective

    • Online college is likely a more cost-effective option than attending class on a campus. You will not need to worry about the expense of commuting to school---gas, parking and so forth---as your commute will likely consist of walking to your home office. In addition, you won't have to worry about costly housing and meal plans associated with attending a campus college.


    • Another benefit of attending an online college is that there are fewer distractions. For younger students, on-campus college can be very distracting. For example, students are likely away from home for the first time and are having fun experiencing the real world. Unfortunately, some of these experiences may be a hindrance, causing studies to take a back burner to new friends and social experiences, such as drinking and parties. These distractions do not exist in an online college setting and education takes precedence.


    • To be a successful online college student, motivation is a necessary attribute. Because there is no face-to-face interaction with fellow students or professors, feelings of isolation may result and lead to a lack of motivation to attend class or complete assignments.


    • Socialization can be a pro associated with attending an online college. For younger students, socialization can be an important aspect of college life, as it helps them learn how to appropriately interact with others, develop friendships and network. All of these things help younger college students learn how to become functioning members of an adult society and online colleges do not provide opportunities for such interactions.

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