How to Be a Successful Doctoral Student

A doctorate degree is one of the highest levels of scholastic achievement. To earn a doctorate, you must advance your chosen field of study with an original dissertation. Class room course work is also expected of doctorate student. Creating smart study habits and managing your mental and physical well-being will help lead to success as a student.


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      Work on your class studies or towards your dissertation every single day during your tenure as a grad student. Your dissertation may take years to finish and your class workload will be high. Studying and working on your dissertation for at least 3 to 4 hours every day will help you keep up with your work load.

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      Publish as many articles as you can. The more articles you publish, the more notoriety you will receive within your field. Recruiters and hiring committees look for published articles when they interview candidates.

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      Introduce yourself and meet as many people as possible while you are at school. Networking is important in any profession. Publishing opportunities will often arise from direct contact with editors and publishers. The more people you get to know, the better chance you have of knowing someone who will be able to further your career.

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      Make managing your mental and physical health a priority. Doctorate work is a grind and it can be hard to maintain your confidence. Sleep at least 7 hours a night and exercise as often as possible. A sound body will help you keep a sound mind.

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      Remain patient throughout the process of completing your doctoral work. It may take five years to complete your thesis. Keep your short-term goals in mind daily and remember what you are working towards.

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