How to Study at Colleges in London

Regardless of your academic achievements, if you don't have a solid college application you will not be accepted into the college of your choice---and applying to college can be a daunting task. But all is not lost. The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) has an efficient system to help you on your way to making a successful application at any London college. Do it right, and you will be on your way to academic success.

Things You'll Need

  • Personal references
  • Personal statement
  • Education and employment histories
  • Computer and Internet
  • Application fees
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      Visit the UCAS website (See Resources for website). UCAS has a central role in the United Kingdom's higher education system, so it's imperative to thoroughly read its instructions before applying. There are also many helpful hints and resources on this site that will help you find the best college and course of study, if you are still deciding.

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      Visit the website of the college of your choice to determine the specific requirements for admission. Some colleges require that you apply to them directly, in addition to UCAS, while others only accept applications through UCAS. Every college in London has a website with information on how to apply.

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      Apply at UCAS. Your application will be made online. You are required to register, add personal details, select your college (or colleges) and course choices and you will need to supply your education and employment histories. A personal statement and references also are required.

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      Pay the application fee. The cost varies according to the number of colleges and courses you've applied to, but as of May 2010, the cost was £9 and up. You can pay via credit card online, or if you are a local student, you can pay through your school or college.

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      Apply at the college of your choice, if required. Some London colleges will allow you to apply online, while others will require supporting material, such as essays, which means you must send your application through the post.

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