How to Write an Argumentative Essay for College

Writing an argumentative essay is not the same as writing a research paper. However, it is also different than writing a simple descriptive essay. In college, most professors require essays with some type of argument, so it is essential for all college students to have a basic idea of how to write an argumentative essay.

Things You'll Need

  • The specific instructions/guidelines from your professor, if any
  • Ideas
  • An outline
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      The Essay

      Argumentative essays need to have an argument; they need to make a specific point and not simply describe something. Within the introduction, you will need a thesis statement, and then the body of the essay needs to either defend or support that statement. In other words, you will make a point/argument in the introduction and then convince readers why your point/argument is valid.

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      First and foremost, figure out what you want the essay to be about. Refer to any specific guidelines provided by your professor. Many times, the essay will need to focus on a specific issue. As much as you can, select a topic that you know well and an issue that you will be able to defend. If you feel stuck, begin to ask yourself questions that relate to the topic of your class. Then, see how you would respond to those questions and ask yourself why that answer, solution, or point of view can be supported.

      Example Topic Question:
      Was the United States justified in dropping the atomic bomb on Japan to end World War II?

      If yes, why? If you say no, then why? The reasons for your response will become your argument.

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      Always create a brief outline before you begin writing. Write down each point that you want to make in your overall argument; each point, roughly, will stand for a separate paragraph. Make sure that your points and overall argument seem strong. Remember: you want to convince your reader that they should believe you and take your argument seriously.

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      Writing the essay

      Once you have your outline, write the argumentative essay. If you find that you need to modify the essay as you go along, then do so. A basic essay needs to have at least and introduction, a conclusion, and 3-5 paragraphs within the body. Your professor might have more specific guidelines, so make sure that you follow all of the directions that you are given. Before you submit the essay, make sure that you check for spelling and grammatical errors. Good luck!

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