How to Write a Sophisticated College Essay

Writing a sophisticated college essay takes time and thought. You don't want to follow the format of a high school paper, but rather show growth and maturity in your thought and prose. Following a few helpful tips you can separate yourself from the average writer and produce a high-quality piece of work.

Things You'll Need

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      Develop your idea and formulate a rough thesis. Decide what point you want to make in the essay. Create an outline at this point to help you organize your argument so that it flows logically.

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      Determine your audience; who are you writing for?. Knowing your audience will influence everything about your essay, starting with the introduction. If the audience is knowledgeable about the subject matter it is not necessary to spend time giving a broad and detailed introduction of your topic or oversummarize information with which your audience is already familiar. Only include necessary details in your essay.

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      Begin your essay. with a sentence that is catchy, but do not feel obligated to stick to conventions, such as opening with a famous quote; in fact, is is better to break away from these conventions to make your writing stand out. Don't make the introduction too broad; avoid making overgeneralized or exaggerated claims about your topic by using descriptions such as "all," "the best" or "throughout history," for example.

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      Write the body of your essay. Structure your argument so that it flows logically from one step to the next. Provide relevant evidence for your argument and cite your sources appropriately. Never just quote a text; rather, explain why the quote you chose is relevant and how it relates to your argument. Spend the majority of your essay discussing or analyzing your evidence, not merely summarizing it.

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      Tell your reader why he should care about your topic. Your thesis is only half the argument in your essay. In addition to providing evidence for the claim you make in your thesis, you must also convey to the reader why your idea is important. Give applications of your idea in the world outside of your essay, when appropriate, to assure the reader of your idea's relevance and importance. This may be thought of as answering a "so what" question in regards to your thesis; you've made your argument, but so what?

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      Address any counterclaims to your argument. Demonstrate awareness of and anticipate any arguments or facts that refute your claim or thesis. If you can think of a way to rationalize the counter-claim or disprove it, include it in your discussion to show that you are knowledgeable and have researchedyour topic in detail. It strengthens your argument when you do not sidestep counterclaims.

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      Conclude your essay. Do not merely restate your introductory paragraph; for an intelligent reader, your conclusion should provide a satisfying ending in which all the parts of your argument come together. Conversely, it should not repeat everything you have already said. Leave your reader with a lasting message to take away from your essay. Bring up further points of interest, but do not open up a new discussion. Finish with a powerful sentence that is thought-provoking and relevant to your essay as a whole.

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      Read over your draft carefully. Interrogate your essay, make sure that your argument makes sense and address any holes in your reasoning. Review your thesis to make sure it still fits the point you're trying to communicate in your essay. If necessary, revise your thesis to fit the argument you developed in your essay.

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      Fix any grammatical or spelling errors; such mistakes diminish your authority as a writer. A polished essay will make your reader take you more seriously.

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      Ask another person to read over your essay to check for errors and point out flaws or holes in your argument that make it difficult to follow. At many colleges you will find a writing center with trained writing tutors that will provide this service for free.

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      Learn from your mistakes. When you receive your essay back, read over the comments and schedule a meeting with your professor to discuss what you did well and what you can improve. Showing interest will improve your professor's opinion of you as well as help you continue to develop a sophisticated writing style.

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