How to Do a Research Paper Cover Page

It's happened to more than one student: You spend weeks working diligently on a research paper. You type it out, correct all of the errors and turn it in, relief washing over you. Only you soon discover that you neglected to put your name or a cover page on the paper and your teacher deducts 10 or more points from your overall grade. Remember to include a research cover page with the appropriate information.


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      Employ the MLA or APA style for a cover page as dictated by your instructor. The MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used as a reference for papers written within the liberal arts disciplines. The APA (American Psychological Association) style is most often used as a reference for papers written within the social sciences.

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      Ensure the cover page and the research paper are double-spaced and typed in the Times New Roman font and at a 12-point type size.

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      Insert a running head at the top left corner of the cover page that appears on the top right corner of each subsequent page of the research paper. The running head is typically an abbreviated version of the title.

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      Center the title about a third of the way down the page. Your title shouldn't exceed more than 12 words, and it should be typed in upper and lower case.

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      Skip two lines and center your name below the title.

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      Include the school name, teacher or course number if it's requested. This line should be double-spaced below the student's name.

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