How to Increase Your Concentration for Better Reading & Memory

When there's a task at hand that needs to be completed, do you find it hard to concentrate? Whether you're a student or an executive, you might find it difficult to stop the chaotic swirl of thoughts and everyday responsibilities and concentrate on one thing. But it can be done with a little patience and practice. Follow these steps to increase your concentration for better reading and memorization.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Highlighter
  • Ear plugs
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    • 1

      Make your working space clutter free. Sort through papers, books, pens and superfluous items and put them in their own files or spaces to create a clutter-free environment. Turn off TVs, radios and phones so you won't be distracted or interrupted. Go for a walk or jog before you sit down to complete your task so you approach it with a fresh mind.

    • 2

      Turn on a table lamp instead of bright lighting in the room so your eyes won't easily get fatigued of strained. Have a highlighter or pencil on hand to make notes of anything you'd like to remember from your readings. Highlight important information if you own the book, or underline it with pencil so you can make notes and erase it later on.

    • 3

      If you find that half way through the page your mind has wandered to other things, start at the beginning again. Before you begin reading breath naturally and observe your breathing -- don't control it, just be aware of the breaths you take in and out. Once you feel more focused, begin reading out loud so you here your voice -- focus on your voice and the words and ideas being read aoud.

    • 4

      Highlight information you find important as you go. When you have completed the readings, go back to the beginning and read anything that was highlighted out loud again. Write notes about facts and points you want to memorize using a red pen. Take a break after notes are made. Have a snack and a stretch or go for another walk and come back to your notes with a fresh mind once again.

    • 5

      Clear away your book, pencils and highlighters so that you're only left with your notes written in red pen. Put earplugs in and begin reading aloud -- you'll notice your voice sounds louder and clearer, like you're in a box and can't hear anything but your voice. Read one note at a time, turning the paper over and repeat the information from memory. Continue to do this until you feel you have memorized the important facts.

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