How to Write a Paper on Communication

Writing a paper on communication is similar in structure to writing any paper. You need information, an introduction, several development paragraphs and a conclusion. The difference lies in the subject matter not in the mechanics. In this particular case, you are writing about communication -- an interaction between two people or more either in speech, writing or reading. Communication includes a sender and a receiver. A paper on communication can cover different forms of communication.


    • 1

      Collect some of the available information on communication, sort through possible topics and narrow it down to the specific angle you want to write about. Organize your materials in outline form. Write an introduction that is well thought out and well-defined. Provide each paragraph with a thesis statement that gives the main idea of the communication essay. Write an introductory statement, such as "Most of your day is spent in communicating in some way."

    • 2

      Develop the writing of your essay by discussing interpersonal or group communication for your first development paragraph which follows the introduction paragraph. Give examples to support your ideas. Next, include in your writing one-on-one speaking in conversations on the telephone or in social situations. Tell the importance in your explanation of clear messages and simple language so that you are easily understood. The next thing you should do is discuss in detail group verbal interaction with ideas such as voicing an opinion, not monopolizing a conversation, speaking loudly and clearly and respecting the opinion of others. Also, mention formal speaking in your writing where you face an audience to explain a process or situation, compare and contrast something or present an argument with supporting evidence.You are now ready for the next instruction for writing your communication essay.

    • 3

      Continue developing the paper in this paragraph by writing about the written word as a means of communication. Include in your writing a discussion of personal letter writing or writing to an op-ed page. Mention expressing opinions, attitudes and information. Now add commentary on literature in its many forms such as plays, novels or poetry. Ask yourself what the author is trying to communicate to the reader and explain these ideas in this paragraph. Write examples about themes found such as friendship, love, hate, or death. Use evidence to support your contentions. Add to this characterizations, literary devices and experience enrichment.

    • 4

      Discuss the media and its many ways of communication in this development paragraph. Write about cultural influences brought out in television, radio and film. Next, give examples of how these methods of communication infuence modern living. Show how you get the news of the day through interviews and reports from commentators. All of these elements should be included in writing this paragraph.

    • 5

      Describe in writing the new technological advances in this development paragraph. Mention in this paragraph email correspondence on the computer, google for a world of information, or facebook for social interrelationships. Add to this, a brief discussion of portable music players, the cell phone or the more recent development of smartphones, which are a combined phone and email devices. Show how these are used for daily communication needs.

    • 6

      Conclude the paper by summarizing what you have written. End with a phrase the reader will remember. Use something like, "As long as we keep speaking, reading and writing, there will be a need to write about forms of communication."

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