How to Write a Letter of Interest for Internship

College students often look for internships to gain experience in the field they are studying. To find an internship, many students send letters of interest to potential employers. A letter of interest is also considered a cover letter, and it can help students land jobs. It is generally attached to the student's resume and sent to companies the student would like to work for. When writing a letter of interest, there are several key elements to keep in mind.


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      Tailor the letter. If you are planning on sending letters of interest to several different organizations, make the letter unique and specific to each one to avoid looking generic. This also makes the letters look more professional. Address the letter by name to the person who will does the hiring or interns if you know the name. You might be able to get the name by calling the company and asking for it, or you might find the person's name on the organization's Web site.

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      Educate yourself about the company. Visit the company's website to learn details about its operations and products. This will help you create a more personal letter.

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      Introduce yourself. Begin the letter by telling the reader several facts about yourself. In this initial paragraph you should also state the purpose of the letter. Explain that you are interested in an internship with the company. A letter of interest should not be very long. Two or three paragraphs is ideal.

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      Describe your skills and education. People writing letters of interest for internships tend to be college students and therefore have little or no experience in the field of work. Things to include in this paragraph are the various types of training you have had in this type of work, your educational background, awards you won and character traits about yourself.

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      Close the letter. The last paragraph of the letter is used to thank the reader for considering this request and to give the reader ways to contact you. Remind the reader that you have attached a resume to this letter and that you look forward to hearing from him or her.

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