Free Scholarships in the U.K.

Universities and educational institutions like Oxford, St. Andrews and Cambridge are some of the top-performing schools in the United Kingdom. Free scholarships provide students with opportunities to study at institutions in the UK and excel in any given field of interest.
  1. Commonwealth Scholarships

    • Given to individuals residing in the UK, developing or underdeveloped countries who want to study in UK, Commonwealth Scholarships are available to students for PhD research scholarship, master's studies, shared scholarships, academic fellowships for staff working in universities in developing countries, professional fellowships for mid-career professionals residing in developing countries and distance learning scholarships for students in developing countries to pursue master's degrees without going to the UK. Candidates must demonstrate academic merit and provide a quality proposal, evidence of potential for global excellence in research and knowledge (for developed countries) and demonstrated impact of work in the development of their home country (for underdeveloped countries). These scholarships generally cover airfare, tuition, exam fees, monthly personal sustenance, thesis or dissertation (if applicable) and fieldwork costs.

      Commonwealth Scholarships
      Woburn House, 20-24 Tavistock Square
      London, WC1H 9HF
      United Kingdom

    British Chevening Scholarships

    • The British Council provides British Chevening Scholarships to allow overseas students to study in the UK. These scholarships cover about 150 countries, and young professionals and graduates who want to gain skills that can benefit their countries are the most common recipients. Candidates must be graduates in excellent academic standing who are committed to returning to their respective countries and implementing what they learned from their studies in the UK or who have an established career with significant potential prospects of becoming leaders in their chosen fields. They must also possess qualities for said career, demonstrate clear ideas regarding how their countries should benefit from these scholarships and have IELTS (International English Language Testing System) scores of 6.5 for postgraduate degrees. Only one in every 25 applicants receives one of these highly competitive scholarships.

      British Chevening Scholarships
      Foreign and Commonwealth Office
      London SW1A 2AH
      United Kingdom

    UK 9/11 Scholarships Fund

    • The UK 9/11 Scholarship Fund distributes scholarships to individuals or dependents of victims of the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster and other subsequent terrorist attacks, awarding scholarships for full-time studies (degree or equivalent courses) at a recognized UK educational establishment. The fund awards scholarships for undergraduate course studies that last no more than four years in an established UK education institution and lead to a degree, master's courses or well-known courses that lead to further education and accredited study periods lasting for a year for students at colleges or universities that have agreeable exchange standards with partner institutions in the UK. These scholarships cover country residence, financial assistance with living expenses, accommodations for staying in the UK and tuition.

      UK 9/11 Scholarships Fund (British Council)
      Bridgewater House, Whitworth Street
      Manchester M1 6BB
      United Kingdom

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