How to Reduce Student Loan Debt

As the cost of education increases, so does the amount of loan debt that many students accrue. There are steps you can take before and after graduation, however, to reduce the loan amount and ease the financial strain of monthly loan payments. By doing so, you'll be taking steps towards building a positive credit history and a solid financial future.

Things You'll Need

  • Financial information, including monthly income and expenses
  • Application for loan consolidation
  • Bank account and routing numbers
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  1. Reducing Student Loan Debt Before Graduation

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      Explore all of your financial aid options before taking out the maximum loan amount. Grants and scholarships can significantly decrease the cost of tuition and they don't need to be paid back when you graduate.

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      Work your way through school to help pay the cost of your tuition. By using your part-time income to finance your education, you could signifcantly reduce your student loan debt.

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      Consider attending a community college for 2 years and then transferring your credits to a 4-year college or university. This route will allow you to get many of your general education courses out of the way for a much lower tuition than attending a 4-year institution.

    Reducing Student Loan Debt After Graduation

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      Create a budget based on your income that includes all of your monthly expenses. If possible, try to avoid extraneous expenses in the first few years after graduation, including excessive credit card debt. By focusing on reducing your student loan debt now, you'll pay less in interest and decrease the term of your loan.

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      Consolidate multiple student loans through one lender. Oftentimes, debt consolidation will decrease your monthly payments and make your student loan debt easier to manage. Check to see whether one of your current lenders offers debt consolidation and determine whether consolidation is a practical idea for you.

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      Pay your student loan payments on time every month. Many lenders offer special interest-rate reductions for borrowers who aren't late with their payments. If available, consider signing up for your lender's automatic payment program so that your monthly payment will be deducted from your account before it is due.

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