What Factors Influence How an Individual Performs on an IQ Test?

Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, is the relation between the mental age and the chronological age. The IQ score is determined by getting the ratio of the two ages, multiply by 100. It determines one's performance on a standardized test relative to the norm. IQ tests determine a student's aptitude for learning or if an applicant is capable for a particular job. There are several factors that affect an individual when taking an IQ test.
  1. Nature and Genetics

    • Nature is expressed as the hereditary factors that we are born with. Genetic determination or the combination of parental genes tells us what characteristics we possess. Intelligent parents presumably give birth to intelligent children. The concept of heredity dictates that given an exactly the same environment, children born to intelligent parents end up intelligent themselves compared with children who are born from intelligent parents. Genetics play an important role in determining performance intelligence.

    Nurture and Environment

    • Another factor affecting IQ is nurture or environment. Raising a child in an intellectually-stimulating environment will make him more intelligent. Exposing him to educational TV programs, talking in clear and concise sentences even at a young age and giving him educational toys will help develop his brain further. Standard of living and educational opportunities are important considerations of Environment. Children of well-to-do families are at an advantage compared to children born with low-income families. Parents who can afford to stay home instead of keeping a job can supervise their children and provide them with intellectually stimulating activities at home. Parents who are financially able can also send their children to schools that are better equipped in answering their intellectual needs.

    Stock Knowledge

    • When taking an IQ test, stock knowledge can help one perform well. Stock knowledge is the collection of what one has earned and stored in the brain. While there is no direct correlation between stock knowledge and a high IQ score, stimulating the brain by constantly filling it up with information is a good exercise in keeping it sharp at all times. Reading books, journals and even the newspaper builds the vocabulary. Knowing what is happening in the surrounding keeps the mind working all the time.

    Examinee's Readiness

    • Before taking an IQ test, it is important that the examinee is ready for it. A well-rested mind can understand questions better and has a good chance of coming up with the correct answers. It is also important that the examinee is not hungry or did not over-eat before the exam. Also, do not take the test with a full bladder as going out to the comfort room often may affect the momentum.

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